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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud

Ah, Singapore. So clean. So honest. Everything works. What a breath of fresh air! Bought clothes for prospective job interviews at Banana Republic, and just generally spent an inordinate amount of money. But I’m feeling kind of down, since Mikael and I are no longer traveling together. I suppose, in some ways, that the end was inevitable. But it happened badly, and I feel like shit.

So now I’m just making my ongoing travel arrangements. Bali is coming up in a few days. From there, I’ll go to Aceh, which is rather off the beaten track. And on to the rest of Southeast Asia, before heading Stateside mid-February (to Florida for starters – I’m not that stupid).

So there it is. The rest of the India photos have been updated, so check out the photo album link on the right side of the page. And don’t send any condolences please.

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